Macon, Georgia’s First Illuminated Bike Parade
Macon, Georgia’s First Illuminated Bike Parade
This past Saturday, we enjoyed ourselves in beautiful Tattnall Square park during the College Hill Alliance’s Maker Festival: Make End.
The event was filled with local artists, makers, and even a fire breathing robot.
Our favorite booth of the day was the College Hill Alliance’s interactive lantern craft. We experimented with tissue paper and glue, and a good time was had by all.
Sunday night, we met up with around 30 riders at the entrance to the festival and joined in the fun of Macon, Georgia’s first-ever illuminated Bike Parade. The parade took two laps around the park with blinking lights, and lanterns guiding the way. It was a BLAST!
Macon Made bicycle lights were handed out to all participants (stop by the shop for a free one).
The energy and creativity of the weekend was truly contagious and the excitement around what is happening here is hard to miss.
We can say that we will definitely be hosting an illuminated bike parade in the near future.